View Mogilev town from height of the bird's flight.


We go further.




et's look what our ancestors ate in a far antiquity.

In that time our ancestors fished salmon in the river Dnieper and hunted in woods on elks. In the 16-th century on market the black caviar was on sale.

At the end of the 18-th century there were 7 breweries on 10 thousands inhabitants.

The basic product was bread. The price for it defined the rest prices.

The life was very heavy. In 1600-1602 there was a cold summer, hailstorm and as a consequence - poor harvest, famine, illness. Strong pestilence took place in 1630. Frequently there were wars.

In those far times the average duration of life was about 35 years.

The popular and cheap product was a fish from the river Dnieper.

The east spices were very dear: pepper, caraway seeds, almonds and others. So expensive, that they were given as gift to the very important persons.

Drinks : beer, honey. These drinks were available to all. Who was rich got from his pantry dear european wines. Also our ancestors drank vodka.

We smoke since the 17-th century.

In the first half of the 14-th century Moguilev was as a part of the state Great Principality of Lithuania. Later, in the 16-th century - as a part of the state Rzecz Pospolita.

I that time, in the 16-th century, Moguilev has received the right on self-government - Magdebourg right. It meant, that the citizens of the town have received some independence. However, one of the high royal officials observed it. The Magdebourg right was received by many towns of the Great Duchy of Lithuania, for example, Brest, Orsha.

When Mogilyov has received the Magdebourg right, the town have received the permission to construct a town hall. The emblem was given to Mogilyov: in a light-blue field a stone tower.

Our minute, devoted a history, has approached to the end. So, totals: the life was complex. However, such it always was and is.


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