Mogilev tile.


The pedestrians should be loved.




istory are the people. I think anybody will not to argue with me. And the history of Mogilyov was made by the people too. The same as I and you. Certainly there are many good people today in Mogilyov.

And now we shall dip into a history.

Let's begin from that almost all famous historical persons since Petr I and finishing Puschkin and Nikolai II have visited our town.

However I would like to begin my narration from the greatest holiday - arrival in Mogilyov of the relics of Saint Efrosinii Polotskoy. It was a significant event, which has collected the sea to the people. If you saw on the TV set, what passes during the arrival of the Pope, the same was in Mogilyov in 1910. About 70 thousands pilgrims have visited the town for three days. These three days the relics were in Iosifsky cathedral, which, in its turn, was on a place of hotel "Dnieper".

Itself Iosifsky cathedral was laid in the 18-th century by the famous townsman Georgy Kaninsky. It was the first person in the church orthodox hierarchy on Mogilev area. He wrote a lot of the sermons, and also some works on a history and philosophy, the building of a spiritual seminary is constructed and many other kind of matters are made. It was Borovikovskiy Vladimir Lukitch who made frescos in Iosifsky Cathedral.

Otto Yulievitch Schmidt - known scientific, mathematician, astronomer, geophysicses, the explorer of Arctic Region, was born in Mogilyov of September 30, 1891. One of the circulars of town is called in his honour. His name is brought on a card of moon, and also his name calls a planetoid ¹2108. The greatest notoriety to it was brought by many expeditions on research of Arctic Region. In 1929-30 was the chief of expeditions on an icebreaking steam vessel "Georgiy Sedov". They have organized on ground Franca-Iosifa the first research station. In 1932 expeditions on ice motion "Sibiryakov" under a management by Schmidt. In 1933-34 headed sailing on a steam vessel "Cheluskin" on Northern marine paths, in 1936 - expedition to Arctic Region on the icebreaker "Litke", in 1937 he supervised air expedition.

If the novel will be sometime written or the film is removed about Mogilyov James Bond, how I think, one remarkable person of his time will become a main hero.

Nikolai Konstantinovich Sudilovsky was doctor (doctor of medicine), president, geograph, philosopher, publicist, biologist, chemist, ethnologist, agronomist. He has come in a history of a number of the countries: Belarus, Russia, Switzerland, England, France, USA, Japan, China. He knew eight languages including Chinese and Japanese. He participated in preparation of the revolt of Bulgarians against Turks. In the beginning of the 20-th century he was the president of Hawaiian Republic, and has ended his vital way in China. Sudilovsky participated actively in a revolutionary movement and consequently in 1874 was forced to emigrate to run from Kiev where learnt at university. Sudilovskiy has got in London, where has appeared on meeting, on which appeared also Marx and Engels. Then - Romania, Geneva, Paris. In 1887 - New York, San Francisco. In USA Nikolai Konstantinovich practised as a doctor. In 1892 he has moved on Hawaii where struggled for the rights of natives, when the islands were captured by the Americans. In 1900 he was the senator, and then the president of the Islands. Then it was the moving in Shanghai and further in Japan, on Philippines, then again Japan, he was engaged in medical practice. In 1921 in China in the province Tsiantszyn he has organized "Committee of the help for the starvings in Russia". He has died in 1930, the body was burned according to the east ceremony.

The governor Alexandre Stanislavovich Dombovetsky have brought a great contribution to the development of the town. During his government it was constructed the medical assistant's school in 1875, gymnasias, the real school in 1885, the theatre in 1888. To his initiative the historical and ethnographic museum was open.

Both in Mogilyov and in Mogilyov region there were more famous people too, which we have left behind a frame. Let they do not take offence. However it is time.

So, we shall summarize our travel in depth of centuries: there is much interesting to tell and to show about Mogilyov, and according to historians Mogilyov has the richest historical heritage from all byelorussian towns. The main is to not lose it. And if you have become interested in a history of native town after these five minutes, the most important step is already made.

The minutes go and pass, and the history is eternal.

It's all, now the titles ...



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